Name/Type of Services/Activities Description
Student Scholarships (from SSLC to Ph.D) - Both for Professional & Non-Professional courses

Scholarship is given to BabboorKamme Students studying in Nonprofessional courses like SSLC, PUC, and General Degrees, like BA, BSc, Bcom,..etc and also for students studying in Professional courses like BE, MBBS, Diploma, Music, Dance, PhD,...etc.

Applicants father should be a BabboorKamme and should be a member of BabboorKamme Seva Samithi, Bengaluru. Annual income of Father and Mother together shall not be more than 3 lakhs. Every year the samithi will call for applications. Please watch out for details in NEWS PAPER/Our KshemaSamachara Patrika/our website.

Pratibha Puraskara to meritorious students

This is awarded to meritorious students of BabboorKamme Community every year in the BalagaKoota function, normally held in the month of February every year.
Eligibility criteria being the marks obtained in the various Final Examination of the course as below:

  •   SSLC 90% & above, Diploma & PUC 90% and above.
  •   General Degree, Music & Dance 80% and above.
  •   BE, MBBS & Post Graduate 70% and above.
  •   PhD (Not related to Marks).
  •   Gold Medalists

Applicants father should be a BabboorKamme. A copy of marks card issued by the examination authority to be enclosed with application. Results announced up to DECEMBER of a particular calendar year are considered for this award to be given in BalagaKoota to be held normally in FEB of the following year.
The Samithi will call for applications every year, please watch out the KshemaSamachara issue published prior to the BalagaKoota of each calendar year for details or visit our website for details.

Monthly Pensions - Elderly needy persons

Monthly financial assistance is given to Members of BabboorKamme Seva Samithi Bangalore and who are aged 65 years & above, and economically weak/poor& no one to look after them.

Assistance to Mentally or Physically Challenged persons

Financial assistance is given to Mentally retarded / Physically challenged, who are Members of BabboorKammeSevaSamithi Bangalore and who are economically weak/poor & no one to look after them,without considering the age. Application in the prescribed form to be completed and a certificate issued by the concerned Doctor / Hospital to be enclosed. Application may be sent as & when the case arises.

Death Relief Fund/Expenses

This cash assistance is of Rs.5,000 /- given in case of the death of a member of BabboorKamme Seva Samithi Bengaluru.Claim can be made by his Son Or daughter or close relative of the Member on a plain paper giving the details of the Member, date of death, Membership number, and enclosing a copy of death certificate issued by the corporation or other Authority. Such claims to be made within 2 months from the date of death.

Honouring Senior Citizens who are aged more than 90 years

In the BalagaKoota Function normally held in February of each year the Senior citizens who have completed the age of 90 years & above are honoured.

Honouring Couples who have completed more than 50 years of Married life.

In the BalagaKoota Function normally held in February of each year, those who have completed 50 years of married life are honoured.

Honouring Newly Married couples (Nava Dampathigalu)

In the BalagaKoota Function normally held in February, Young Babboorkamme couple who have married in previous calendar year (Jan – Dec) will be honoured.

Honouring of Babboorkamme Saadhakaru

In the BalagaKoota Function normally held in February of each year the BKSS members who have achieved fame in their fields under various categories (like Education, Social Work, FineArts, Medical, Technical, Science, Sports,….etc )are honoured.


This Matrimony website (BKSS Matrimony) is a part of BabboorkammeSevaSamithi (R) main website/portal and it is for ALL SECTIONS OF BRAHMIN COMMUNITY. The main objective of this Matrimony Website/Services/platform is to mainly help our community. We collect nominal fee of Rs.500 /- to provide premium service to our members. The fee received for membership will be used mainly for maintenance of this site and remaining amount will be used for charity purpose.

Hostel for Babboorkammes

BabboorKamme Seva Samithi has Two separate Hostels one for Boys and the other one for Girls. FREE Boarding and Lodging is provided in both these Hostels for students belonging to BabboorKamme Community, other Brahmin Community students are admitted on payment basis. Hostel for Boys is located at 17, Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru & Girls Hostel is located at5th Block, Jayanagar Bengaluru.
For admission to the above Hostels, preference will be given to BabboorKamme Community students and other Brahmin Community students are also admitted on payment basis depending on availability of seats. Admission to these Hostels is at the beginning of the Academic year.

SamudayaBhavana (Concession Tariff to Babboorkamme members)

Samudaya Bhavana can be used by our community for performing Marriage & other Functions. It has a Sufficiently big Hall with a seating capacity of 300 people, a spacious stage, 2 Rooms with attached bath are provided on the stage& for guests 8 Rooms with attached bath are provided in the First Floor. Kitchen & Dining Hall with a capacity of 150 people are also provided in the First Floor250 numbers of chairs for Samudaya Bhavanaare provided. Samudaya Bhavana is available at reduced tariff for the members use & for other Brahmin community at normal rate.

Kshema Samachara Patrike

The Babboorkamme Sava Samithi as it grew, found the necessity of a magazine;therefore, a tri-monthly magazine "KshemaSamachara Patrike" was started in the year October 1987. Now our magazine has become a powerful media and link to communicate ourBabboorkamme Brahmin culture, news, events,..etc to our members. Free delivery of Babboorkamme KshemaSamachara Patrike directly to their house address to all our samithi members is arranged and also available in our website.

Annual Games & competitions both Indoor & outdoor

In connection with BalagaKoota, Indoor & Outdoor games are arranged to the Members & their family. Different games are planned to suit the different age groups, to ensure that everyone can participate. Everyone takes part in the games and enjoy every moment with the motto of participating in Sportive spirit.Prizes are given for Winners. The process of conducting the games starts well in advance & normally in January. Rangoli competition, Fancy Dress, Light Music competitions are also held during this period.

Varshika Balaga Koota

BalagaKoota is held every year normally in the month of February. The main purpose is to provide an occasion for all our community people to meet at least once in a year and interact with our community members. Various programmes are also arranged like dance,music,drama,.. etc Honouring of our community people, Merit award to students are also arranged on same day. It is a full day programme from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.

Shankara Jayanthi

Our Babboorkamme Community is adherents of the Advaita Vedanta propounded by Sri ShankaracharyaBhagavatpadaru and are followers of the Smarta tradition.Shankara Jayanti is a Hindu festival which is celebrated by millions of Hindus every year & we too celebrate it every year.It is celebrated on the day of Vaisakh Shukla Paksha Panchami.This festival is dedicated to the birth of Adi Shankaracharya, who was a great Hindu Guru and philosopher.

Annual General Body Meeting (AGM)

All our Babboorkamme Seva Samithi members will participate in this, which will be held once in a year normally in the month of October / November. In this AGM Annual Accounts and Budget are presented to the General Body. Clarifications required by Members are given. Budget gets Approved after discussions and clarifications. The Approval of General Body is taken for any schemes involving major expenditure.

* You can also download application form for Membership, Scholarship, Financial Assistance,…etc from Download section *